Lenzman - Emeralds / Mesmerized

Lenzman - Emeralds / Mesmerized
SGN013 - Released 02/03/2009
Having built himself up as a highly reputable artist over the last couple of years, Lenzman continues his plight up the D&Branks with his debut release on SGN:LTD. Featuring the incredible vocal talents of Jo-S, 'Emeralds' is a perfectly constructed vocal D&B track. A revolving funk riffsparks the melody from the intro, Guitar licks build into the groove, making way for the catchy vocal on the drop. The flip side represents Lenzman's versatility as a producer, 'Mesmerized' is a sublime cut of dance floor artillery, delivered with class, oozing with soul, and providing enough bassbin action to move that all-important crowd.