Gerra & Stone - Pathfinder EP

Gerra & Stone - Pathfinder EP
SGN057 - Released 26/3/2019
SGN:LTD is honoured to present four tracks of premium drum & bass from hotshot duo Gerra & Stone. Following features on RAM Records, sister label Shogun Audio and the release of their 2017 album ‘Polarism’ on Dispatch, the pair mark their SGN debut with four cuts which show off their diverse sound. From the more melodic, yearning sounds of ‘Feels Like’ and ‘Recollection’, to ‘Arashi’ and ‘Pathfinder’ which are sure to turn any club upside down, it is easy to see why the versatile sounds of Gerra & Stone have garnered support from the likes of Andy C & Friction. SGN:LTD has returned, continuing with its mission of bringing you the future stars of drum & bass.